by visitcbva | Nov 3, 2020 | Eats & Drinks, Events, Getting here, History, Live music, Lodging, Marinas, Nature, Roadtrips & Itineraries, See the sights, Shopping, Things to Do
Cover photo: Michael Hundley November is the perfect time to visit Virginia’s river towns. Why? For one, it’s Virginia Oyster Month, with oyster-centric commemorations happening up and down the shorelines of the “Oyster Capital of the East...
by visitcbva | Oct 23, 2020
Carshow + Cash Awards +Trophies Dyno Pulls 2step battle and much more.
by visitcbva | Oct 23, 2020
We present to you CLASH OF THE TITANS October 23rd & 24th! Two days of action packed Drag Racing which includes track prep services by Jimmy Bradshaw and the Sticky Mafia crew. NT Outlaw 28/275 $200 entry (8 car minimum) Any power adder +/- 2 within stock wheel...
by visitcbva | Oct 21, 2020
We are hosting a “Happy Harvest Drive-Thru” on Friday, October 30 from 6 PM-7 PM at the church. We will be giving out candy and some goodies similar to the Fun Buckets from this summer. Please join us in a mask and costume!
by visitcbva | Aug 26, 2020
Spectacular sidewalk sale! Christmas decorations, wreaths, ornaments, lights, cards and other knickknacks for tree and home. Specialty items such as jewelry, designer purses and more!